Can Topical Steroids Cause Weight Gain?

Topical steroids are commonly prescribed for various skin conditions, such as eczema, psoriasis, and hives. However, some people have concerns…

Topical steroids are commonly prescribed for various skin conditions, such as eczema, psoriasis, and hives. However, some people have concerns that using these medications may lead to weight gain. While weight gain is not a documented side effect of topical steroids, there are certain factors that may contribute to this perception.

One possible explanation is that topical steroids can improve the symptoms of skin conditions, leading to improved appetite and increased food intake. Additionally, some people may experience fluid retention or bloating as a side effect of using topical steroids. It’s important to note that weight gain can have multiple contributing factors, and it’s always best to consult with your healthcare provider if you have concerns about your weight or medication use.

Can Topical Steroids Cause Weight Gain?

H2: Can Topical Steroids Cause Weight Gain?

Many people use topical steroids for treating their inflammation, itching, or other cutaneous conditions. Mild to moderate corticosteroid medications are available over the counter, while significant strength remedies are available by prescription. People are concerned that using these medications can increase their weight gain. This blog post will explore whether or not topical steroids cause weight gain.

H3: What Are Topical Steroids, and How Do They Work?

Topical corticosteroids are synthetic steroid hormones that resemble natural human hormones. When the hormones enter the body, they attach to cells. Then they tell cells to make specific proteins that have anti-inflammatory effects. Topical steroids alter the body’s inflammatory, immune, and metabolic reactions, and this is how they resolve cutaneous inflammations and other skin disorders. But, can using topical steroid creams or ointments cause weight gain?

Topical steroids are applied to the skin’s surface, and very little of the steroid is absorbed into the body. It means that even with daily use, only a tiny portion might be in the body. Topical steroids do not cause weight gain all by themselves. However, certain factors related to using topical steroids, such as the length of treatment or the body surface area (BSA) coverage, might indirectly cause weight gain in some patients.”

H3: What Do Research Studies Tell Us About Topical Steroids and Weight Gain?

There is a lack of robust evidence available that links the topical steroid’s use to weight gain. Few studies have assessed the relationship between topical corticosteroid use and body-weight changes. A 2004 study demonstrated a small but statistically significant weight increase in people who applied topical corticosteroids. However, there were limitations to the study, and many other studies failed to replicate its findings.

Also, topical steroids might be used for a short duration to treat skin flare-ups, and any effect on body-weight changes might be too short-lived to detect in a limited study. Further research is needed to identify if smaller weight changes might add up and become significant over a more prolonged period of use.

H3: How Can Topical Steroids Indirectly Cause Weight Gain?

While direct cause and effect relationships are not entirely established, several studies have suggested various potential mechanisms that might indirectly cause weight gain. Here are some possible reasons:

1. Overuse – Using too much medication or using it continuously without any breaks can lead to the formula’s absorption into the blood and produce weight gain.
2. High Potency – Using high strength or strong topical steroids can get absorbed easily by the body and increase corticosteroid load leading to weight gain. The more potent the steroid, the higher the risk.
3. Long-term use – Some people might need a longer duration of topical steroid application, perhaps for more than a few weeks, leading to cumulative weight gain.
4. Use on Large Surface Areas – Using topical steroids on massive body areas (e.g., more than 40% of the skin surface) can cause significant absorption and higher distribution of the steroid in the body.

H3: Tips on Using Topical Steroids to Avoid Weight Gain

While it remains unclear whether or not topical steroids directly cause weight gain, it is essential to be proactive in preventing it. Here are some useful tips on topical steroid application to reduce the potential of weight gain:

1. Follow Doctor’s Orders – Always use topical steroids according to your doctor’s orders, including the right dose, correct areas, and the duration of use. Do not stop using your prescription without discussing it with your healthcare provider.
2. Use Mild Potency Medications – For mild skin conditions, use weaker steroids that are less potent.
3. Don’t Overuse – Use sensible topical steroid amounts to avoid any absorption into the bloodstream. Typically, only a fingertip amount will suffice for the face, a palm-sized amount for the neck, and an arm-sized amount for an arm or leg is recommended.
4. Short Duartion – Only use the topical steroid as directed and for the shortest time possible.
5. Limit Large Surface Area Use – Avoid using steroids on extensive areas of the skin as this increases the risk of the medication getting absorbed into the body.
6. Healthy Lifestyle – Maintaining an overall healthy lifestyle can reduce the risk of weight gain and obesity. Eat healthily, exercise regularly, avoid excessive alcohol consumption and do not smoke.

H3: When Should You Speak to Your Doctor?

If a person experiences symptoms like sudden weight gain, bloating, or vision changes while using topical steroids, they should speak with their healthcare provider immediately. Also, if the symptoms persist, it’s crucial to speak with the doctor, who might advise alternate options or adjust the medication dose accordingly.


Topical steroids are a very common remedy for treating skin inflammations. While there is little concrete evidence to show that topical steroids directly cause weight gain, it is clear that certain factors such as frequency, potency, duration of use, and large surface area application might indirectly cause weight gain. Hence, it’s essential to use the correct dosage, apply the medication on the affected area, and do not use it for prolonged periods without consulting your doctor. By implementing these steps, you can help ease your health concerns, use the prescribed medication, and improve your quality of life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Topical steroids are commonly used to treat various skin conditions. However, many people have concerns about the potential side effects of these medications. One of the most common questions is whether topical steroids can cause weight gain. Here are some answers to this question:

How do topical steroids work?

Topical steroids are medications that are applied directly to the skin. They work by reducing inflammation and suppressing the immune system, which can help to relieve symptoms of skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. Topical steroids are available in various strengths, and they can be used on different parts of the body.

While topical steroids are generally safe and effective, they can cause side effects in some people. One of the potential side effects is weight gain, although this is not very common. In most cases, any weight gain that occurs is due to fluid retention rather than an increase in body fat.

What are the risk factors for weight gain with topical steroids?

There are several factors that can increase the risk of weight gain with topical steroids. These include using high-strength steroids, applying the medication to large areas of skin, using the medication for a long period of time, and using the medication on thin or sensitive skin, such as the face or groin.

If you are using a topical steroid and are concerned about the risk of weight gain, it is important to talk to your doctor. They can help you determine whether the medication is right for you and may be able to suggest alternative treatments if necessary.

What are the symptoms of weight gain from topical steroids?

If you do experience weight gain from topical steroids, you may notice swelling or puffiness in your face, neck, or other areas of your body. You may also experience increased hunger, thirst, or urination. In some cases, weight gain can lead to more serious health problems, such as high blood pressure or diabetes.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to talk to your doctor. They can help you determine the cause of your symptoms and may recommend changes to your medication or lifestyle to help manage them.

How can you prevent weight gain from topical steroids?

There are several things you can do to reduce your risk of weight gain when using topical steroids. These include using the medication as directed by your doctor, using the lowest effective dose, using the medication for the shortest possible time, and avoiding applying the medication to large areas of skin or sensitive areas such as the face or groin.

You can also help to manage your weight by eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and drinking plenty of water. If you do experience weight gain, it is important to talk to your doctor. They can help you determine the cause of your symptoms and may recommend changes to your medication or lifestyle to help manage them.

Can Topical Steroids Cause Weight Gain? 2

Side effects from corticosteroids

In conclusion, the question of whether topical steroids can cause weight gain is still under debate. While some studies suggest that it is a rare occurrence, others indicate that it may be possible. It is important to note that weight gain can occur as a side effect of many medications, including topical steroids. However, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional if you experience any unusual symptoms while using topical steroids.

Overall, it is essential to weigh the benefits and risks of using topical steroids with your healthcare provider. Topical steroids can be an effective treatment for various skin conditions, but they may also cause side effects like weight gain. By working closely with your healthcare team, you can find the best treatment plan for your individual needs and minimize the risk of any adverse effects. Remember to always follow your doctor’s instructions and report any concerning symptoms promptly.

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